A gallery of Michael Jennings photos
For the last few weeks, a strange glitch has been afflicting this blog, involving spacing. If I stick up just the one photo, stretching all the way across the width of the blog’s column of text, all is...
View ArticlePfaith
Seen recently at a Facebook Friend’s page: While searching for more about this, I came upon this recent story: A single pill home cure for Covid could be available by the end of the year, according to...
View ArticleDiabolical Davies
I’ve just been catching up with my Facebook lurking, and therefore have only just come across this: I started listening and didn’t stop until it did. And I learned a lot. I really like how Davies...
View ArticleBMNB quote of the day: If you feel something is missing …
Here we go: It’s been a quiet day here at BMNB, which is not surprising given how wonderful the weather has been. Just the right amount of warm. Not a cloud in the sky. Perfect. Who, on a day like...
View ArticleAnton Howes on how printing got started
Anton Howes has been asking himself Why Didn’t the Ottomans Print More? In the course of sketching an answer, he says interesting things about how printing did get started in Europe: When we think of...
View ArticleNational Geographic on the evidence for evolution
Following my recent medical disappointments, I have been pondering, as you do in such circumstances, the big questions. Like: What Do I Really Believe? And it turns out that one of the biggest things I...
View Article“This video makes me feel like CRT is a cult …”
CRT, as referred to in this posting, and in this tweet, stands for Critical Race Theory. I say that because I very much like the idea that at least some of my readers here have no notion of what “CRT”...
View ArticleNeptune appears on the south coast
Seen by me on Twitter: I think it said that this was claimed to have been photoed this morning. Unfortunately I lost the tweet where I saw this and could not find it again, so do not know the...
View ArticleBernstein’s posthumous victory
Last Saturday morning they chose the best recorded version of Leonard Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms. In the course of this, the guest chooser, Edward Seckerson, read out this excerpt from a poem that...
View ArticlePatrick and I talk about Northern Ireland
Sadly, even doing a posting every Monday, which I vaguely remember hoping to do, has proved more than I can conveniently manage. My apologies to all those who still seem to be dropping by here on the...
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