Death in France and death on television
A week ago now, I photoed this photo in the graveyard of a little village up in the mountains of southern France called Taulis (already mentioned here) (LINK TO THE OLD BLOG). Today being Good Friday,...
View ArticleQuimper Cathedral photos from a year ago
Earlier today, Patrick Crozier and I recorded another of our recorded conversations (by and by it will appear here). Patrick laid out the agenda which was Christianity, and how, although he could never...
View ArticleNow you see it now you don’t – then you do again
In that chat that me and Patrick had yesterday, about Christianity and its influence, I mentioned, for some reason, how part of the reason the Shard is shaped like the Shard is that it is also shaped...
View ArticleRecently purchased books
Photoed just now: Although, I should say that I didn’t actually purchase Kristian Niemietz’s book about Socialism. I tried to buy it, at a recent IEA event, but they wouldn’t take my money and just...
View ArticleParis photographique
At the old blog, it was quota photos. Now it’s quota galleries, because they’re so easy to do (at least compared to how hard they used to be to do). And just as I didn’t expect you to expend any more...
View ArticleStephen Davies is writing a horse book
Much as I would like to replace the late Findlay Dunachie, I don’t think I’m cut out to be a book reviewer. It takes too much focus. While you’re doing it, you can’t afford to get stuck into reading...
View ArticleFood photos as prayers of gratitude
This from the American Spectator seems to me to be saying something rather true: It is easy to be cynical. We might dismiss these photos as brazen self-promotion or a symptom of millennial...
View ArticleStephen Davies on Ruling Classes and Industrious Classes
Stephen Davies is my sort of libertarian historian in many ways, and in particular in not denying the historic importance of the predator class in times gone by. It is one thing to regret the enormous...
View ArticleExploring The City: Monument thoughts
When I say exploring, I mean three kinds of exploring, rather than just the one. The “just the one” is going there, and taking photos. But the second is finding things out from the Internet about the...
View ArticleIf ever a sign needed a vocative comma …
That’s what Newcastle language teacher Mike Metcalf tweeted about the sign in this photo: Quite right. Are we Satan’s Brainwashed Cattle? And must we wake up? Or are we supposed to wake up a flock herd...
View ArticleNiall Ferguson on networks versus hierarchies
I have been reading Niall Ferguson’s The Square and the Tower, and so far am enjoying it. It’s about how historians have tended to emphasise the impact of orderly hierarchies because these leave big...
View ArticleColourful architecture in the past and in the future
Tim Dunn tweeted the two photos below as a before/after pair. Before: After: Before being how Wells Cathedral used once upon a time to look, and After being after the Puritans had got rid of all the...
View ArticleVenus on the South Bank
October 20th 2007 was a good day for me photoing photoers, and I’ve just set aside thirty five photoers to stick up here. But, because of the lateness of the hour, that will take too long to sort out...
View ArticleJohn Lewis Gaddis on the failure of the Spanish Armada
Stephen Davies, seeking to explain Europe’s technological and economic breakthrough into modernity, and John Lewis Gaddis reflecting on the emergence of the USA as the world’s current superpower, both...
View ArticleHappy Easter
As in: I hope you’ve been having one. Because it is now quite late on Easter Sunday. Although a devout atheist, I’ll celebrate with three big London places of Christian worship, all photoed in June...
View ArticleHearing about the Welsh goats from the Bee
I’m referring to this: A herd of goats has taken over the deserted streets of Llandudno, north Wales, where the residents are in lockdown during the coronavirus pandemic. The Kashmiri goats that came...
View ArticleReflection
Not the sort you do inside your brain; the sort you can see: My photo walks tend to happen in the afternoon and early evening, after I have done morningy things at home. But today I took a quite long...
View ArticleHong Kong Demo – London – January 19th 2020
The Chinese government has been taking advantage lately of the fact that there is now only one media story, and is now crunching down on Hong Kong. Because now, this isn’t much of a story, compared to...
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